Monday, December 14, 2020

Virtual Outschool Teacher Introductions

Welcome friends and fellow teachers!  My name is Carissa Dahl (aka) Mrs. Dahlhouse.  I've been teaching with Outschool for six months and what a journey it has been!  Any online teachers out there?  I taught for VIPKid for 3.5 years, and transitioned to Outschool in June 2020.  I live on the west coast so VIPKid hours were really rough on me.  

All About My Family

I am married to a railroad working husband and together we have four kiddos ranging in ages from 17 to 4 years old.  Currently we are remote learning with all four of them.  I have two high schoolers, one fourth grader and a special needs preschooler.  I am hoping after the winter break my special needs preschooler we be able to attend school again.  This has been a journey.

Teaching Background

I have experience teaching special education preschool, typical preschool, kindergarten, first and second grades.  I hold a state teaching certification for K-8th grade and special education certificate PK-12th grades.  I have seven years teaching experience in the classroom and have worked with young learners for over 20 years.  

What Do I Teach on Outschool

PRESCHOOL!!! I love the littles and I am passionate about all things preschool/pre-k.  I love teaching foundational skills (pencil grip, cutting, following directions, turn taking, etc).  I also love hands on activities, sensory tables, play-doh and glitter!  When I first started on Outschool, I taught some different classes for young learners, but it was my love for the young learners and interaction that led me to my virtual teaching niche!

What Do I Offer?

In this blog I offer posts all about teaching online with Outschool and growing your Outschool business. If you would like to contact me, ask me a question or just reach email is Also, come follow me over on Instagram click here  .  I also offer videos on YouTube click here
I look forward to hearing what kinds of questions you have about Outschool. 

Remember you are bright and brilliant!
~Mrs. Dahlhouse